Wellbeing Ultimate Protocol
Reference ✦ Daily Protocol
- When
- Push the first meal later, around noon, to force the body to use existing fuel (i.e., fat)
- Stop ingestion 3 hours before bedtime to let the digestive system rest.
- Intermittent fasting is the easiest way to time-restrict meal intake. Easy to get in whenever we steer away when life happens.
- What
- Weight loss can be boiled down into calories in < calories out.
- However, what was usually desired was fat loss. This is a little harder because we can’t selectively shed fats.
- Watch out that nutrition labels can be misleading or inaccurate.
- How
- Calorie tracking is useful to build intuition of a meal’s calorie content, but maybe not be sustainable in the long run.
- We can’t reduce fat in a specific area like belly fat. In fact, it was the hardest area to reduce fat from.
- We can aim to increase muscle mass to burn energy more effectively, including the one stored in fats.
- Exposing eyes to sunlight after daybreak help prime the body for better sleep at night.
- Improving deeper sleep is important