Arie A. Nugraha

Fleeting Notes


Questions that pop up randomly which need further investigation

  • 20230430 Defaulting to Trust is essential for effective collaboration.
  • Onboarding as a design problem, I was impressed by how the Zelda game and Blender program onboard its players/users.
  • How might we scale initiatives across the organization?
  • 202204011922 Why are some people ticklish than others?
  • 202104231925 Sometimes, all you need is a little bit of curiosity to find your passion.
  • 202104221019 Since when are crystals being used as magic items in media?
  • 202104221019 We are an accumulation of our choices.
  • 202104221019 What happen if I’m no longer 100% designer. In my sleep, on my weekend, on my day off, on my break time–I prioritize other things.
  • 202103101000 Having an understanding of something is a privilege. Not having the urge to correct someone wrong is wisdom and the privilege of peace of mind.
  • 202104221019 Happiness increases with your ability to make meaning.
  • 202104211019 Why do twin babies are given identical clothes by their parents? To be able to differentiate is the point, no?
  • 202104211019 Unpopular opinion: Ebook > Physical Book.
  • 202104211019 The goal is not to remove emotion from the decision-making process but to balance it with rationality, i.e., How do I feel if I’m making this decision?
  • 202104211019 How might we balance a quick-wins mentality with a long-term winning mindset?
  • 202102281000 Cegukan is like your body glitching. Is it a bug, or an intentional design?